Wednesday, August 5, 2009

dreams at the wrong

ah!yes!look at the post before supposed to be studying anyway.i think its a way of punishment frm God.hehe.. neways i utterly abhor people who think the world revolves around them!n those who like touching you everytime.gosh!it gets annoying ok!dun freaggin touch me!but if i tell u..then things will change between us.well not like it hasnt already as much as i hate to admit.but seriously.stop touching me!im not ur freaggin gf!dun wanna be!

but actually i wanna post about valentines day.i just miss it.wish it was valentines.was looking through some pics n found hearts n roses n all that.just brought my mind to think of valentines.thats wat makes it so overrated.*rolls eyes* but yes its nice to have just one special day for the specialest person in ur life.:) of course it doesnt only have to be celebrated with ur boyfriend or galfriend.theres still mummy,daddy ur bros n sistas frm other mothers too!hehee..but nothing can beat the feeling as you watch him approach you from a distance..or as he holds you tight with the promise of never letting you go.

or the times when u watch this:

or this:
but of course its not always a bed of of us will make mistakes..

n sometimes the problems won't have a chance to be solved and this results in a goodbye.. :(

n for some of us its so hard for us to forget that person though its been forever!

i shall leave now n seal it with a

happy valentines day!


  1. well,it wont happen anymore ... i promise u that ...
